Yesterday I got up early in the morning to go to
STEM camp; there I spent all the morning. When I arrived, we started to prepare
the activities that the children would do during the morning while they had
breakfast. Before going to the class, we played some games outside and then we
spent almost all morning doing fingerprints. First the teacher explained the
different types of fingerprints and how we can differentiate between them. Then
each child, made his fingerprints with ink. That took a lot of time, because it
wasn’t as easy at it seemed to be, and if you are working with children and
ink, there will be always a mess. After everything and everyone was cleaned, we
had the break time. During this time, we prepared all the microscopes, and we
plugged them and checked if all of them worked correctly. When the children
came to the classroom, we explain them how to use a microscope, their parts and
the different types (monocular and binocular), after the explanations they
observed their fingerprints and decided which type were they. When everyone had
finished, we did a little bit of math, because they calculated the percentage
of each type of fingerprint that they have. They had completed their first camp
goal, so we gave them a stamp. By this time, it was lunchtime so we stopped for
a half an hour. At half past twelve, they came back to the class and the
teacher started to explain the activity that we will do the next morning. Shoe
patterns. Diane picked me up at 1:15 and we went to the grocery store,
when we arrived home, I made a sandwich and ate it for lunch. After this we
decided to go for a walk, to the river where the dog can swim, and I also could
see it. It was breathtaking, I really loved the scenery. It has hot but we
enjoyed the walk a lot. When we returned back home, we cooked dinner. We ate lamb
with a Greek sauce. After all this long day, I watched a movie; the book thief
and I went to sleep.

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