viernes, 24 de julio de 2015


Yesterday we drove back home, after spending two days in Yellowstone. We got up early in the morning to take breakfast because the hotel closed the kitchen at nine. Then we walk around the town before starting our trip back, but as it was raining we decided to leave. That time we stopped less than the way to go because we had already stopped the first time. We stopped again in Missoula to have lunch because it is a town that is in the middle of the way. We continued our trip and we stopped in a 50000 silver coin shop because Sandra wanted to buy a dream catcher. The shop is called like that because they have in its walls 50000 silver coins. We also stopped in a rest area that has a gift shop, before leaving Montana so I could buy something if I wanted. Then we continued on our route only changed it a little bit to pass trough a typical west town like the ones you see in the movies. When we arrived home we were very tired. I had a shower and I also unpacked my suitcase, after that I had dinner and Diane prepared milkshakes that we drank on the porch of the house enjoying the warm night. After all we want to sleep, this time in our normal bed.

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