jueves, 16 de julio de 2015


Yesterday in the morning, all the kids were looking at their evidences to find out who was the murder, they compared the footprints of the crime scene with the samples. They did the same with fingerprints, the apple bites and the handwriting. They also had the opportunity to interrogate the suspect to finding out more information; it was really interesting to listen the questions that they asked. They were really good ones. After listening to what the suspects had to say, they could decide which one had a motive to kill. The last activity we did was the chromatography of the crime scene’s pens to see which pen was the one with which the murder wrote the letter to the victim. We only had time to do the one with the alcohol. When I arrived home I had lunch, like everyday, and then I decided to fix up the blog because the previous one was giving us problems, as we couldn’t read it. When I finally finished it was already the time to have dinner and we decided to go to the cinema after it with a friend. The film that we saw was inside out and it was a Disney movie, which characters are Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger and disgust that are the feelings that a girl called Riley feels. The movie started when Riley had to move to San Francisco and everything was different for her, but the problem started when Joy and Sadness were lost inside a maze and they couldn’t help Riley to be happy or sad, she was angry all the time and she was losing all her most important memories and with them all her personality, so she made a radical decision to run away home alone, but if she escaped she would never be happy again… It was a really good film, it was sad but I really enjoyed it. When it finished it was 9 and here that means time to go to bed, so we came back home and we went to bed to be ready to the next day of work.

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